

Israel -Tel Aviv, Jerusalem-

After wonderful Iceland, I flied to Israel. Before going there, I was really afraid of immigration, but it was just a few questions and I could go into Israel easily.

However, when I arrived at Tel Aviv, it was Saturday, it means shabbat For Jewish people, Saturday is a rest day, so train, bus, everythingwere stopped at that time.

It's totally different culture from the other countries I had known before.

I stayed at Tel Aviv, but just walked around the city, I thought it's normal urban city. Many people were in the beach with dogs. There are many sushi restaurant, so I tried fried sushi. it's not bad!

Once I went to Jerusalem, cityscape was changed. It's really holy place for some religious people. I saw many Jewish people is called Haredijudaism who have long characteristic sideburns and beard, wear a black hat and suits or coat even though it's over 35 degrees there. I saw Muslim people and Christian sisters as well.

Actually Jerusalem is divided into 4. Some kinds of religious people are living in same Jerusalem.

I went to western wall,

church where Jesus Christ was dead,

dome of rock which is famous holy mosque for Muslim.

They are located at the very near place each other.

Jerusalem is really historical place. There are many religious places. I went to only very famous places, but even walking on the street is very interesting.Especially this was my first time to see Judaism culture . Haredijudaism people were very cool!

I took part in the tour of going to the western wall basement.

Do you know why Jewish people 'wailing' there? It was actually just a wall before, there were big temple there long time ago, and sometimes Jewish people hadn't been allowed to go in Jerusalem, and also Muslim people lifted up the ground around the temple, now only the western wall were left and we can see only a part of it. They pray rebuilding of the temple and Jewish prosperity. It was very worthy tour.

I also went to holocaust museum. I've never been to Auschwitz but I've been to Poland. I saw the place of ghetto and museum, but this museum have many video and we can learn cruel history of Jewish people more, especially final video was the most shocking. After the Allies won against the Nazis, they found the left people in the concentration camp and a lot of bodies. Even living people were about to die, they're very thin like only bone and skin, and many bodies were conveyed by heavy machine because of too many, I can't forget the scene.…

I saw stained glass 'shagal's window'.

He is also Jewish and gave them to the hospital. It was so amazing. the contents are related by Jewish story.

Jerusalem has deep history, I wanted stay and know more ...

